KDrama: Record Of Youth

Have you heard of the K-drama “Record of Youth”? It stars the charming Park Bo-Gum and tells the story of Sa Hye-Jun, a passionate young man chasing his dream of becoming an actor. Despite being a successful model, Hye-Jun’s heart lies in telling stories on screen. The drama follows Hye-Jun’s journey as he faces constant rejections in auditions, the pressure to prioritize his modeling career, and the struggle of coming from a non-wealthy background. This drama resonates deeply because it touches on a universal truth: the importance of letting our children pursue their dreams, even if they don’t align with our own. record of youth poster
Supporting Dreams, Not Just Destinations
As parents, it’s natural to worry about our children’s futures. We might want to steer them towards “safe” careers or paths that guarantee success. But “Record of Youth” reminds us that true fulfillment comes from pursuing what sets our hearts on fire. Imagine Hye-Jun, forever stuck in modeling, a successful but unfulfilled shell. Wouldn’t it be better for him to chase his dream, even if it leads to failures? The journey itself is a valuable lesson in resilience and self-discovery.record of youth (3)
Failure is a Stepping Stone
The fear of failure is a major roadblock for many. But “Record of Youth” beautifully portrays how failures are stepping stones, not dead ends. Hye-Jun learns from each rejection, honing his craft and growing as an actor.record of youth (2)
Unwavering Support is the Key
The drama emphasizes the importance of unwavering parental support. Hye-Jun’s family, despite their limited means, becomes his biggest cheerleader. They may worry, but their love and belief in him are his constant source of strength. This is a powerful message for parents. Let your children know you’ll be there for them, through thick and thin. They’ll face criticism in the world, but your unwavering support will be their anchor.
Choosing Your Own Path
“Record of Youth” reminds us that while we can guide our children, ultimately, the choice of their path is theirs. Sure, they might stumble, but they’ll learn and rise again, even stronger. And remember, they have a family to fall back on, a safety net of love that will always be there.record of youth (5)
So, if you’re looking for a drama that celebrates dreams, perseverance, and the unwavering love of family, “Record of Youth” is a must-watch. Not to mention, BoGummy’s cute face and the last series he shot before he went to military.

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